Macronutrients That Provide Energy

Macronutrients That Provide Energy

  What Are Macronutrients? Essential elements and nutrients are imperative for our body to function efficiently. The normal consumption and combination of macronutrients are the secret of healthy living for plants, animals and humans. Through interactions and survey, we have found out that most people do not know the meaning of macronutrients, and that is … Read more

Vitamin D Supplements May Help Fight Depression

Vitamin D Supplements May Help Fight Depression

Depression affects many people from time to time. Some evidence indicates that dietary and lifestyle habits may play a role in the development of depression. Recently, a team of researchers examined how vitamin D supplements affect depressive symptoms. Below is a detailed summary of their results. Background Major depressive disorder is a severe form of … Read more

Lactose intolerance: A2 Milk May Be Safe for Milk-Intolerant People

Not all cow’s milk is created equally. Its nutritional composition often varies slightly, depending on the cow’s breed, feed or individual genetics. For example, cow’s milk contains varying amounts of proteins known as A1 and A2 beta-caseins. For some people, A1 beta-caseins can cause adverse health effects. Recently, researchers examined the digestive effects of A1 … Read more

Too Much Linoleic Acid May Increase Heart Disease Risk

Too Much Linoleic Acid May Increase Heart Disease Risk

It’s been suggested that replacing dietary saturated fat with linoleic acid may reduce the risk of heart disease and early death. Recently, researchers used unpublished data from the ’60s and ’70s to test this theory. They also conducted a review and meta-analysis of more recent studies. Here is a detailed summary of their results. Background … Read more

Early Weight Loss Predicts Long-Term Success

Early Weight Loss Predicts Long-Term Success

Weight loss success during and after a weight loss program varies. Recently, researchers examined the factors linked to weight loss during and after a 12-month weight loss study in children and adolescents. Here is a summary of their findings. Background Children and adults respond differently to weight loss programs. Some lose a lot of weight, … Read more